Products Categories

The products distributed by Adorateb Pharmaceutical Distribution Company can be divided into three categories:

  • Pharmaceutical Products
  • Supplements
  • Medical Equipment

Each of these categories includes franchises; by clicking on each image below, you can get more information about the products in that category.

About Adorateb

The name of the Adorateb company is derived from the Persian word “Adora,” which means “helper.”

In 2008, Adorateb Company was established as a Cobel Group distribution company to distribute and sell medical equipment, supplements, and pharmaceuticals in Iran. Adorateb, the top private pharmaceutical distribution company in the country, provides capillary distribution services to over fifteen thousand pharmacies, hospitals, and medical institutions while adhering to worldwide standards for pharmaceutical product storage and distribution.

Adorateb is a distributor of imported goods as well as goods made by top companies such as Cobel Darou, Dr. Abidi Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, AstraZeneca, Nestlé, Roche, and so on.

Patients First




Adorateb Distribution Centers

Adorateb Pharmaceutical Distribution Company has 25 distribution centers across the country. By adhering to international standards for the storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products, Adorateb serves as the leading private distributor of pharmaceutical products, supplements, and medical equipment throughout all of Iran’s provinces.

For full contact information for Adorateb’s distribution centers, click the button below.

Information about distribution centers.



Adorateb Pharmaceutical Distribution Company distributes products manufactured by companies like Dr. Abidi Pharmaceuticals, and imported goods from Cobel Darou and other suppliers.

All rights reserved by Adorateb company.
